Thursday, July 17, 2014

Make a Donut like Krispy Kreme


your own glazed donut like krispy kremeyour own glazed donut like krispy kreme

Want to make a glazed donut like Krispy Kreme’s?  You don’t have to be a professional baker or pastry chef to make this one. I have discovered a simple recipe you can do at home and ingredients can be found at supermarkets. You can give it a try if you want something sweet this weekend. Let me know how it worked for you. I will be glad if you send me pictures of your work. 

ENJOY making your own original glazed like krispy kreme donut.

Dough ingredients:
3 cups all purpose flour
3 tsp yeast
1 cup lukewarm water
4 tbsp  white sugar
¼ cup shortening (Crisco or butter)

Preparing the dough:
  • Mix yeast, water, sugar and shortening. Then add in the flour.
  • Knead the mixture until smooth. Let the dough rise for 1 hour.
  • Flatten the dough to ½ inch using rolling pin.
  • Cut shape of donut using a cookie cutter. (or if you don’t have a cookie cutter, you can use a cup or glass to cut a circular shape dough, then afterwards put hole in the center). Set aside for 30 minutes.
    Krispy kreme-like doughnut dough in the making
  • Fry donuts over medium-heat vegetable oil. Flip it when it floats or until golden brown. Put it in serving trays.
  • Dip donuts in glazing mixture or pour in the glazing mixture over the donuts! 

Creamy Glaze Ingredients:
1/3 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar (confectioners’ sugar)
1 tsp vanilla
4-6 tbsp hot water

Creamy Glaze Preparation
  • Melt butter in pan.
  • Mix in powdered sugar  and vanilla.
  • Add water gradually. Stir mixture until all ingredients are blended.
  • Transfer glazing mixture in a bowl

Easy Donut Recipe Like Krispy Kreme

I also prepared a share-able recipe in jpeg format. Just in case you want to let your friends know about your weekend project. Simply right click on the image, save image to your device. Then upload the image to your facebook, twitter or instagram.

P.S. I also discovered that you can use the same dough recipe for making siopao.


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